Pictured above is the cover page I designed for the 2019 Orientation edition of the Universe. The graphics in the table of contents sidebar and the compass graphic were all drawn by me in Illustrator. 
As a designer for the Daily Universe, BYU's official student news publication, a large part of my work was designing page layouts in the newspaper. This involved constant collaboration with writers, editors, photographers and professional Universe staff in order to produce content under weekly deadlines. I was also involved in the editing process, correcting spelling and grammatical errors and often shortening articles to fit layout constraints.

Pictured above on the left is an original logo I designed for the Universe's weekly How To column. On the right is a page layout I created for the 2020 New Student edition of the Universe. I drew the library map and wrote and edited much of the article. 
Below is a sampling of digital and print ads, both for clients and for Universe advertising.
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